Tuesday, February 7, 2017


Scott Miller

Psionic Press

I have played Mahjong for several years.  Many of my fellow purists follow the rules set out by the NML.  Other groups make up their own games and rules and if you want to join, you can be their guest.

Scott Miller has written the definitive tome “Mahjong from A to Zhu.  In his book there are over 40 versions of Mahjong, which includes many “esoteric” games.  We are initially introduced to Core Rules, Tiles and Equipment, Wall information, and Game Play.  This is followed by an extensive list of information that he contributes to convey that the game is both a challenge and a fascinating compilation of rules, patterns, scoring, etc.

Whether one is a novice or an experienced player, this book tell its all.  Rack em up and ENJOY!

Razine Wenneker