Friday, March 11, 2016

Wire and Fused Jewelry
Techniques from the Sandkuhler Studio
Schiffer Books

Wire fusing is fun right from the beginning.  I was initially a little apprehensive about messing up and completely melting my fine silver links and match sticks into little globs.  As I practiced the proper placement of the torch and succeeded, it became a magical moment.

The contents of this comprehensive book by Iris Sandkuhler begins with a list of tools. The major one in every fusing vocabulary is a butane torch. Many of the additional tools mentioned are a staple of every work bench.

Projects are varied ranging from rather simplistic to more complex. All have a list of tools and materials that are posted on a check list. One doesn’t have to go on a mad dash scavenger hunt or wait for the necessary material to arrive from the suppliers. Each and every photograph of the creative process is extremely well defined.

Page 38 illustrates a wonderful example of wrapping a briolette and found object. Very easy to follow.

There is in depth instruction regarding the bead drawing method, pointing out the hottest spot of the torch flame. The text points the correct way and the illustrations show the way.

Over the years I have constructed my own fine silver chain link necklaces. They were somewhat intricate and used to enhance a particular fabricated or beaded pendant.  After coiling my fine silver wire around a mandrel and cutting off each link, I was ready to begin. It was amazing how each and every link fused together when applying my butane torch. Instead of an instructor standing at the soldering station and lecturing the students, the illustrations and text in this book says it all. This book introduces the art of fusing perfectly in all respects.

Razine Wenneker

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